Tuesday, February 5, 2013

K.I.S.S. and Get Ready for Valentine's Day!

This post is a collaboration with Williams-Sonoma, but all words and opinions are my own.

williams-sonoma, cooking, baking, cooks, cutlery

Valentine's Day is just around the corner and this is the perfect time to think about how you want to surprise your sweetheart with something for that special day.

While flowers are a lovely gesture, they are really expensive and with the economy being what it is, they can be off the table for some people.  Jewelry is always a welcomed option for the ladies in your life, but again, can be expensive.  I don't know many people who have the extra money to plunk down on a diamond heart for the February holiday.  What to do?  Food is always a wonderful option! We all have to eat like it or not (who doesn't like it?)  Whether you plan to cook a meal for your sweetheart or make something even more creative,  the folks over at Williams Sonoma have compiled some great ideas and resources to help plan your Valentine's Day.

There are lots of ways to show your loved one that you care.  You don't have to spend a ton of money, but you do want to make sure that whatever you do, you do it with quality and care.  Think about what you want to make and do it as simply as possible.  Remember, if you have never made a recipe before, you might want to give it a try before you make it for your wife or fiance'.  Just to make sure you know what you are doing.  The evening can quickly become a disappointment, mostly for yourself, if you don't have confidence that what you have chosen to make is going to be a smash!

The best advice I can give you is this;  K.I.S.S. (fitting no?).  Most of us know this little gem as Keep It Super Simple.  Maybe not how you remember it, but a bit nicer and still imparts the same message.  Keeping things simple is the key to being successful at anything!  In this case, planning a simple, yet romantic meal for your special someone can be easy with a bit of planning and a little finesse.    

 Start your night with a romantic appetizer of a shared shrimp cocktail.  Move on to bacon wrapped filet mignon that are the star of the show and super simple to create for your main course.  Then, finish off with a molten chocolate cake, delicious and decadent.  All of these dishes are simple, yet will knock the socks off of anyone you choose to share them with.  The best part of this type of romantic meal is the fact that you have made it yourself!  Cooking for someone is, after all,  the ultimate expression of love, in my opinion.

You can find the recipes for the bacon wrapped filet mignon as well as the molten chocolate cake on the Williams-Sonoma website here: 

If making a whole meal is not your preference, you can always make a sweet treat for your honey.  Below are a few suggestions for Valentine's day, I've come up with that you might consider.  The most important thing to remember is being together, in the moment and making a beautiful memory is priceless.  Here is hoping you have a priceless Valentine's day, sealed with a K.I.S.S.

Hazelnut Mousse!  Quick and Easy and Impressive!

Fun Valentine Krispy Treats!  Super Fun for the Kids!

Valentine Chocolate Orange Meringue Kisses

Check out other Ideas on my website:

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